It requires a conscious effort onthe part of all humans to broaden their vision of the things around them andworld at large.
Human Endeavour is so much rootedin materialism that most would not bother about what happens to others. Acompassion and understanding is required. We have progressed externally and buthave not made an inward journey. Where is altruism? Who thinks of our biologicaland spiritual linkages to all beings and to the world we live in? We have littlecontrol over our temptations. Unless we control ourselves we cannot control catastrophe.
Well, what I would very much like for the world is what I think a lot of people on this site envision and that is for us to be evolved souls...be a part of the solution and not the problem. We are on a mission via a very good singer by the name of Jose Hendrix who is from The Congo in Africa - two albums to his redit, his vision is to spread peace, love and joy in an international music collaboration which involves children and educating them in music and the arts...not in guns and bombs and war.
To be able to feed out hungy - both down the street and across the continents would be wonderful. To clothe our poor would be wonderful. To agree to disagree in harmony would be wonderful. I am so gald I found this site. You wil be hearing from me a lot I am sure! peace out to all of you who might be reading this and blesings of course.
Now a days Firarms are common in two major crime above all.
If we stop the using of firarms then we control these crimes.
There are two aspects of this rule.
1> Cut his/her left hand who kill someOne and cut his/her both hands who kill someTwo by using firarms..
These are universal laws and applicable in every where around the globe.
And the result will be same.
There will be all Peace in Jeroshelm,Kashmir,Iraq,Afghanistan............
And all over the world,
Live for peace not for War.
"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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