
Yaron - Soul's Mission (Official Music Video)

"Soul's Mission" was inspired by my experience with chronic illness. Since late October 2020 I've been struggling with Long Covid, POTS, IBS, and more. This song was difficult to create, and I had to pace myself, but I'm so grateful I was able to finish it. Please help me share it with the world. ❤️






From the silent formless to the forms that sing
From the birds on treetops to a butterfly’s wings
From the desert I was born in to this story now forming
From healthy to sick—entering stormy winds

The waters are flowing, and I’m going in
Did my prayers for wisdom call all of this in?
The waters are flowing, and I go within
Visions of my mission—they call me again

My heart and the sea kiss
Still, it’s hard to see when hardships reveal gifts
I ask “what’s the reason for this season I’m in?”
as I wave at the waves of emotion within

The waters are flowing, and I’m going in
Did my prayers for wisdom call all of this in?
The waters are flowing, and I go within
Visions of my mission—they call me again

One way or another, this illness will go
This life is a chapter in the book of my eternal soul
I am one with the oneness I’ve been yearning for
The existence of existence is a miracle

What’s your mission?

What’s your mission?

The waters are flowing, and I’m going in
Did my prayers for wisdom call all of this in?
The waters are flowing, and I go within
Visions of my mission—they call me again

The waters are flowing, and I’m going in
Did my prayers for wisdom call all of this in?
The waters are flowing, and I go within
Visions of my mission—they call me again


Song/Lyrics/Music Video credits:
Written, performed, recorded, produced and directed by Yaron
(C) 2023 MyPeace Media LLC

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