
Part of the worldwide Ignite week - March 1-5.

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Comment by David Ramey-LaRieve on March 29, 2010 at 1:59pm
We as humans resist so much when it comes to change. We are like the hard earth when, resisting the deluge, forces the gentle waters of knowledge away from ourselves. Yet some moisture always finds a way in, as do the seeds of change. As people of peace, those of us who wish and work for peace in the world, should acknowledge this in others. . . Especially in those who resist change the most loudly.
Comment by David Ramey-LaRieve on March 29, 2010 at 1:28pm
We try so hard to hang on to the teachings and "get it," but actually the truth sinks in like rain into very hard earth. The rain is very gentle, and we soften up slowly at our own speed. But when that happens, something has fundamentally changed in us. That hard earth has softened. It doesn't seem to happen by trying to get it or capture it. It happens by letting go; it happens by relaxing your mind, and it happens by the aspiration and the longing to want to communicate with yourself and others. Each of us finds our own way,--Pema Chodron
Comment by Nina Goncharova on March 17, 2010 at 4:16am
it is WE who retermine if it will be the end or a new beginging
Comment by Yaron Fishman on March 17, 2010 at 12:13am
Anahata Love...yes, perhaps they were saying it's the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next..and as this video suggests, the time we live in can be seen as an opportunity to reflect on how we can co-create a more peaceful world. I don't know the intention behind the Gregorian calender or how it may affect people..though it's something to look into. As for the peace's interesting how one symbol can mean different things to different people. What I like about the peace symbol is that a large part of it is a circle, which is often thought to represent unity, eternal life and more (as far as I know, the Algiz was not within a circle). When it was designed over 50 years ago it represented nuclear disarmament, and as time went on it became one of the most widely known symbols of peace. Yet what I think is more powerful than any symbol is the meaning people give to it, and I see it as a good thing if a symbol reminds many people of peace.
Comment by Anahata Love on March 16, 2010 at 5:31pm
I wish people would stop saying that the Mayans are predicting 2012 to be the end of the world. They have never said any such thing. It is the end of a major cycle...the next cycle will follow. One thing we need to become aware of is the power a calendar has over our minds. The Gregorian calendar is formulated to intentionally take us out of peace. A calendar is a tool to measure time. But it, with its various lengths of months is like having a ruler on which some inches are 1" and some are 1.2" and sometimes even 1.5". No wonder the world is in this mess! Not only that, but we have been duped into using the peace sign in it's reversed position. It is the rune, Algiz and for centuries was used on shields in it's upright position as the symbol of protection. It is recorded in our DNA. Reversed it stands for dejection. You wouldn't show someone a smiley face with the smile turned upside down and expect it to engender happiness would you?
Comment by Bruce Larson*Moore on March 16, 2010 at 4:54pm
Those who employ a nonviolent economy of peaceful exchange and cooperation, will build true freedom and security for all, respecting the rights of each nation & individual to protect their own... for...

Those who embrace & support the rise of humanity toward he'r true beauty, grace & compassion of being, create the action of positive PEACEFUL change.

Comment by AZARRA LANTERI on March 16, 2010 at 3:59pm
GOOD WORK!!!!....thanks for stariting this important movement that will help establish more peaceful relations between people and nations thus enabling Planet Earth to enter a new level of both global, and, perhaps even galactic consciousness.............AZARRA
Comment by Yaron Fishman on March 16, 2010 at 2:09pm
Well done Ted! So glad to see the Department of Peacebuilding idea made it into the top 10 on

Thank you and keep up the great work!

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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