
ART-Felt Learning Episode 1: Summer Collage

Art-Felt Learning is a new web video series that shows kids of all ages how to feel and understand our connection with the world around us... through art!

Follow along with 3 inquisitive kids: Dylan (6 years old), and Maggie and Sophie (4 1/2 years old) as they learn about the world through Art.

Sandy Jorgensen is a Kansas City artist with a whimsical approach to teaching kids all about art. Using a variety of mediums, your child is bound to learn something fun and so will you!

Episode 1: Summer Collage

The kids are picking flowers and smelling them too! Watch as they use nature to create art while tuning in to their feelings.

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Comment by Maryanne Patlak on May 28, 2010 at 2:47am
beautiful what you do with children :-) i enjoyed visiting your site and watching/listening 2 your video - thank you 4 sharing and caring with the universe - lovely day 2 you :-)

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