
dancing Light sings "Abraham" (Peace Song)

Greg and Kiki of the cosmic acoustic duo called dancing Light, sing the peace song, Abraham.

"As Abraham willingly built a sacrificial altar on a mountain, an angel appeared to him. The angel told Abraham that his children would be as numerous and as luminous as the stars. Abrahams two sons, Isaac and Ishmael, would become the fathers of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions. These three major religions of the world are all connected, all come from a single seed."

words and music by Greg Webb and Kiki Carter Webb

Abraham upon the mountain high
builds an altar in God's name
holy angel did reveal his path
Your children will be as the stars

I'm looking for the stars of Abraham
to shine their wisdom on this war-torn land
left and right reveal their hidden hand
flowers of Jerusalem to bloom again
bloom again

it's fear that keeps us in our separate camps
spin of the moment blurs the greater dance
great minds expand the reach of all we know
still what eludes us is our common soul

I'm looking for the stars of Abraham
to shine their wisdom on this war-torn land
left and right reveal their hidden hand
flowers of Jerusalem to bloom again
bloom again

Abraham across the sands of time
calls to his children far and wide
your many faces mask a single truth
do you remember who you are?

You are all the stars of Abraham
please shine your wisdom on this war-torn land
from a single seed a tree has grown
flowers of Jerusalem to bloom again
bloom again

We are all the suns of Abraham
shine your wisdom on this war-torn land
from a single seed a tree has grown
flowers of Jerusalem to bloom again
bloom again

Views: 49

Location: Walker, Minnesota


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