
30,000+ People United By A Soccer Match For Peace

Rome, September 1st, 2014 - The best soccer players in the world, representing many different religious faiths, came together for the first Interreligious Match for Peace, an event which gathered more than 30.000 fans in Rome's Stadio Olimpico for one goal: Peace!

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Comment by Bruce Larson*Moore on February 6, 2015 at 1:08pm
It's About Time
By John Denver

There's a full moon over India and Gandhi lives again.
Who's to say you have to lose for someone else to win?
In the eyes of all the people, the look is much the same,
for the first is just the last one when you play a deadly game.
It's about time we realize it, we're all in this together.
It's about time we find out, it's all of us or none.
It's about time we recognize it, these changes in the weather.
It's about time, it's about changes, and it's about time.

There's a light in the Vatican window for all the world to see
and a voice cries in the wilderness and sometimes he speaks for me.
I suppose I love him most of all when he kneels to kiss the land,
with his lips upon our mother's breast, he makes his strongest stand.
It's about time we start to see it, the earth is our only home.
It's about time we start to face it, we can't make it here all alone.
It's about time we start to listen to the voices in the wind,
it's about time and it's about changes and it's about time.

There's a man who is my brother, I just don't know his name.
But I know his home and family because I know we feel the same.
And it hurts me when he's hungry and when his children cry.
I too am a father, and that little one is mine.
It's about time we begin it, to turn the world around.
It's about time we start to make it, the dream we've always known.
It's about time we start to live it, the family of man.
It's about time, it's about changes and it's about time.
It's about peace and it's about plenty and it's about time,
It's about you and me together and it's about time.


‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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