
East and West:”Peace is the best!”

In the winter of 2002 before the second war in Iraq I was in Marocco and there were these bad vibrations in the air of an upcoming war and we all had this famous feeling of being unable to do anything against this.I had this desire of talking personally with certain politicians,so I decided to talk to them directly in form of a song nominating them and telling them simply that in my opinion we should all act in direction peace,and this with a fresh rhythm,convinced decorated with a glorious guitar-solo that leads to the message of the song:
“What else could we live for,what else could we fight for,what else could we dream of?”

The song was recorded in February 2002 and was then sent
immediately to 300 radio-stations all around the world.
The video was filmed in February 2006 in the center of the city
of Torres Vedras/Portugal,where the town-hall realized for
carnival a monument called “the isle of the monkeys”,created by
Gulliver-animaçao-visual sited in Torres,that inspired me
to realize finally the clip.(the war changed meanwhile in a civil-war!)
Some politicians I named 4 years ago are not in office any more
and some died,so I recorded an actualized version in the
ABF – studios of Tony Fernandez in Benedita.
The camerawoman was Patrizia Bologna and the realization
as the mastering were made by “videoslave” in Rome/Italy by
Sergio Maffezoni.

Views: 52

Location: Lisbon


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