
By Eric Allen Bell

A new member of Global One TV posted a blog yesterday posing this question. What follows is a train of thoughts expressed in words in response to the integrity of that question...

In order to answer the question, "What happens when I die?" I feel it is important to take a look at something a bit less speculative and that is the question of what happens when we live.

There is no way to understand death if you don't know what life is. What happens between the moment you take your first breath and the moment you draw your very last?

Who is it that is looking out through your eyes?

Is it not the same quality of awareness that existed right before you read these words? Is that quality of awareness not the same quality that existed yesterday and the day before?

And that awareness, the pure state of awareness was there before you could form words or even knew your name. It is independent of personal history, of labels, of nationality of ethnicity of religion of political orientation or even a gender. This is the essential self. And the awareness of this self, even if momentary, is what is often referred to as "Self Realization".

The essential self is not contained within the boundaries of worldly identification, although it plays in those fields.

The essential self is not limited in perception by the five senses, although it enjoys experiencing them.

The self that is eternal is not limited by space and time, although it uses space and time to creatively express its essence.

The Realized Self came from nowhere and is going nowhere, but may choose different manifestations throughout the birth-life continuum.

The brain that tells the lungs to breathe will die with the body, but the Mind that animates the organ called the brain is eternal.

You are not your thoughts. You are not your story. You are not your body.

Experience your thoughts, experience your story, experience your body, as none of it will last.

That which experiences remains constant. We call that constant the "Self" - big Self, capital S.

So when you ask the question, "What happens when I die?" I would have to ask you a question in return...

Who is asking?


Eric Allen Bell


Views: 30

Comment by Thomas Retterbush on October 30, 2010 at 1:26am
I have been obsessed with this very question for quite some time. Because I was of the persuasion that we, including our conscious "self" dies with the death of the brain, I was compelled to do some research or literally loose my mind.

I began my studies in everything to do with consciousness, death and life after death. I found many persuasive arguments for all sides of the argument, but there was one which stood above all others.

It had to do with research in quantum physics. Particularly a study done by R.D. Pearson in 1984. Pearson discredited the theories of both Einstein and Newton. Pearson found evidence which suggests that thoughts formulate before chemical process occur in the brain. This means that our thoughts originate independently of our physical brain!

If our thoughts can occur without our brain, then it is possible that those thoughts that make up our unique individual selves could continue on after we die!

For more on this, you can download my free MS Word report, The Creation of Matter from Nothingness in Relation to Survival of ..., from my website.

Finally there is a real logical, scientific explanation that offers hope, that the part of us that makes us who we are continues on after we die!


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