
By Eric Allen Bell

The question was raised by a member of Global One TV as to whether or not God exists. Rarely is the question heard however, "How do I know that I exist?"

One's own existence seems self-evident. And yet there really isn't any proof - not objective proof anyway. And if you try to prove your existence to others it raises the question of whether or not other people exist - at least whether they exist anywhere other than within the realm of your own perception.

The God question is easy. The Self question is another matter entirely. The question of the self is not only easy to dodge, but the whole world is organized around the avoidance of this very question - Who am I?

I want to say that again. The world is organized around avoiding the question of self. As with the world, so too with the individual. Your identity has been conditioned by the society around avoiding the question of self. An individual who is self realized is a threat to the power structure, to the so-called order of the place. Therefore, we exist by mutual agreement with one another in this place, that no one is to disturb the sleep.

So, if the question of whether or not God exists is something that is only a matter of curiosity, I would recommend that you leave it alone. If you pull on that thread, the very fabric of your entire perception will unravel. You will never be able to go back to being the way you were.

And there are so many answers that are knock-offs, imitations of the real thing. And they are sleek, shiny and delicious. And what's more they are popular. Inherent in these counterfeit answers is the promise that you will never be alone, never be an outcast, never feel alienated. You and I will never have to face our own mortality, or the truth of our mediocrity without the opiate rush of a solid doctrine within arm's reach. I could point you towards a belief system and this whole matter could be done with.

I have heard it said that one can go countless lifetimes without ever hearing the word "enlightenment". To be incarnated into an existence where one asks the question, "Who am I?" is a truly remarkable thing.

Is there proof that God exists? Is there proof that I exist? Is there proof of anything? Is there anything? Is there a questioner separate from the question being asked?

Notice the tendency of the mind to categorize and dismiss all that has been said thus far.

What is the lie that holds it all together? What is the lie? There are those who have sat in silence, repeating this very question quietly under their breath, "What is the lie? What is the lie?" They were pioneers. Their journey of inquiry has contributed to the landscape of human awareness - have given depth to the collective consciousness. And we are living in a new age. We are living in a new era. Those sages who sat in solitude, in quiet contemplation in caves in the Himalayas have done the footwork and we are the inheritors, the beneficiaries, born into a Golden Age of understanding.

We have the luxury to ask such a question, "Does God exist?" You didn't log onto this website and ask if there will be enough grain to feed your family. It's all been handed to us. There is no heavy lifting involved - just the simple act of letting go - of releasing ourselves from the lie.

The answer to your question is written invisibly between the lines of every sentence you have read thus far. Your question is my question. I don't know anything you don't know. You are playing hide and go seek with yourself. You have cast me in the role of someone who has an answer when the answer is right there before you, inside you, all around you - breathing you. Nothing is easier to prove than the existence of God.


Eric Allen Bell

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