
Peace Thought Experiment:

What happens when Labor Notes are a norm and that country finds itself having to defend itself from invaders, God forbid?

This would be the only way Labor Notes (US dollars issued as paychecks to citizen workers) could be issued for Miltary means. The organizing principle is that efforts that are of the citizens themselves and for the same citizens, is an asset against which currency can be issued.

In the aftermath, citizens who 'fought' for national self preservation and sovernty would be paid for there efforts. Even the survivors would be paid for the efforts of their family members' effort. This is much like 'fighting' to save the village town center from a flood by sand bagging. Those who worked tirelessly would be wealthy, afterward. Those who freaked out, gave up, quit when the going got tough... would not make a cent.

Compare that to the present issuing of US dollars and the US citizen soldier. When our soldiers return are they financially taken care of? Who becomes more wealthy because of their soldiering efforts? Good one! right?

What effect would that have on a society that has periodic hardships? Would not the common citizen realize that it was definately in their advantage to work long hours with others to solve the crisis. Save the town and make money.

Would not there be a greater sense of 'ownership' of the community and the Nation? Who then gets wealth and it's corresponding power? It this not a way to systemically improve our world?

An economic system that tends to reward intelligent behavior that tends to be good for an individual AND the whole community is called what? luminomics? economics of the Light?

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