
Like so many others in our world, I would love to see our humanity supercede our society. Every individual knows that getting along is the easiest way to prosperity, but somehow this simple ideology is lost when applied to the masses. I agree with Churchill that "democracy is the worst form of goverment, except for everything else that's been tried." Democracy has its flaws to be certain. Just looking at the current state of our country and the trials and tribulations we're enduring prove that without argument. But the true strength of democracy is that it enables anything to happen. All things become possible when empowered by the people. The trick to this is finding something upon which all people can agree. There in lies the rub.
I respectfully disagree with those who believe peace lies in the heart and by thinking good thoughts, good things will happen. Sorry, I'm just a little too pragmatic for that. Peace has to have a business plan. The reason we can't achieve world peace is because war is more profitable and we're a capitalist society. Everything we are is predicated upon the accumulation and spending of wealth. And let me be perfectly clear, I'm not opposed to this. I like nice cars, nice houses, and the ability to travel the world to study the civilizations that preceded us, all of which require money. John Lennon died a millionaire. There's nothing wrong in making money. It's just become an easy misconception to embrace due to the actions and conduct of some of our more spectacular corporate screw ups and our government's current actions. It's what you do with that money that defines who you are and the impact you'll have on the world. So if we're to achieve even the semblance of world peace, we have to figure out how to make peace profitable. We have to discern a way that corporations and governments alike see the finiancial benefits to peace.
At the risk of sounding overwhelmingly arrogant, I think I know how this can be done. Further, I think it can be done in such a way as everyone can agree. Again, I recognize the inherent arrogance of such a statement, but I humbly ask that you over look this.
The truth is I think our path to a better world lies not in our hearts, but in our schools. If we're to make better decisions then we need to be a smarter people. Every politician since Caeser has extolled the virtures of education, but our educational needs keep getting lost in a maze of political agendas. If our governments, both federal and state, can't accept what needs to be done, then it's up to the people to take matters into their own hands. This is what I'm proposing.
The Search for John Lennon is actually an umbrella title given to the largest entertainment event ever concieved. It's a multi-dimensional, multi-faceted entertainment event designed to build a bridge between the success of the entertainment industry and the development of our schools. It works on a fairly simple principle, although it's development is slightly more complex, but as the recipient of the nation's largest percentage of disposable income, why isn't the entertainment community held to the same social standards as our professional athletes? If there's interest, I'll explain the dynamics of the project in detail, but essentially it's the development of our flagship film "The Search for John Lennon," two documentaries, sixteen short films, thirty-two commercial parodies, three syndicated television shows and seventeen live pay-per-view broadcasts all derived from the central theme. In most cases, the talent and technical personnel for pulling this off will be taken from the American public through a series of interactive contests and audience participation events. From the profits of this endeavor, which are speculated in the tens of billions, we'll create a Educational Trust designed to fund ailing school districts on a statewide level. Through the public aspects of the project, we intend to call America to arms, not in the violent sense, but a continuation of John Lennon's benevolent revolution. We're proposing a revolution of the mind with weapons forged of music and laughter.
I say all of this because if we're going to succeed, then we're going to need your help. By doing nothing more than believing in what we're doing, we can make greater changes to our world than all the politicians combined.
It's our country, not the politicians. They are the hired hands of our society and we've grown accustomed to letting the servents run the house. Clearly, that makes about as much sense as letting the inmates run the asylum. Like I said, if anyone wants to know more, I'll be happy to explain. If I'm just talking to the walls, I won't bore you with the details, just know we're coming.
Thanks for reading.

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