
I think this webpage is a very good and well needed idea. It could be the catalyst for something great or it could be another passing fancy. What it will be is up to us. And no, I'm not affiliated with the page in any way, but like its creators, I've spent the majority of my adult life trying to understand the nature of humanity and reason we're here. I have no ability to believe in the concepts of God in the traditional sense, so I'm forced to place my faith in humanity. Again, the same question rattles through my brain daily: Why is man here? Until a more concrete answer can be provided, I'll stick with "man is here to figure it all out."

Look at our evolution through the ages as we've moved from the caves to the condos, from the wheel to the space shuttle. We have reached for the heavens and gone there. We have created governments derived for the benefit of all of its citizens from cultures which reigned to the satisfaction of one. We have defined a god, or at least a collection of gods, which define what should be the common sense of man and a moral code benefitting all men from sacrifical offerings and rituals bathed in barbarism. It is our very nature to see beyond ourselves to accomplish something greater for the generations that will follow. Because the "it" we've all been trying to figure out since our first up right steps is how to get along with each other.

Everyone has dreams and ideas as to how things should be improved, whether it's the jocular "start with killing all the lawyers" or the more serious immediate need for healthcare and economic reform, everyone has ideas that can makes things work better. Thanks to the digital age, we now have the aiblity to share these thoughts and ideas. And as long as we're talking, we're not fighting.

The idea of world peace is as noble and enduring as time itself. If it weren't so important then why would we keep fighting for it? Yeah, I know, the hypocrisy of man; fighting for peace, but the concept illustrates more accurately the base nature of man. In spite of our arrogant claims, we are not a species defined by our ability to reason. While we do possess the skill, it would seem we are driven by our unreasonable ideations. Just as reason creates the option for unreasonable, rational gives birth to irrational. If there is a Supreme Being, then It threw us a serious curve-ball by granting us both reason and emotion. If there were ever two seperate, equal and opposing concepts, these would be the ones. It's just another aspect of figuring it all out. If we're ever to understand world peace, then we first have to understand ourselves. To do this just ask yourself, "What to you want your life to mean?"

I apoligize for wandering but achieving world peace is a complicated path. If it's ever to be achieved for a lasting period, then we're all going to have look at things differently than we have been. Our eyes have to be open to all it contains. We all have to be involved. Peace isn't something that's just going to happen. It has to be made and nurtured and understood. But, as long as we have the ability to try and get there, it remains an eternal hope.

As long as we believe, anything is possible.

Views: 14

Comment by Melissa on July 17, 2009 at 6:07pm
You have written so much here and I'd love to comment on all that you have said, but I'll just comment for now on the "purpose' ( hehee) of your blog.
It is my opinion that it is not our eyes that need to be open , it is our hearts. Peace starts within, and then touches everyone you touch ( like the concept of " the smile that goes around the world") Peace can and does happen moment by moment, and all we really have is this moment, so greet life this moment in peace and do not worry about tomorrows issues, they will take care of themselves if we remain peaceful today. Otherwise too much thinking on this will lead one into a nihilistic way of viewing life, and that's no fun for you or anyone you meet.
"Take care of this moment and you take care of all time" ~ Gautama Buddha
Peace, Love & Unity
Comment by Melissa on July 17, 2009 at 6:11pm
The purpose for this life is in each individuals heart,all we need to do listen to it and follow it.


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