
A short extract from my Profit Report “The Leader In Me”

Where do we start? Where do we go to look for the leader within each of us? How does one reach down deep within and discover those leadership characteristics one possesses? Let alone bring to the surface! How are we going to get past the fear of going in search of these elements? What if we find none of value? Or worst yet, what if we find none? Does that mean we have nothing to offer?

• It is this very self doubt that creeps in and prevents hundreds of thousands of people from reaching their true potential or even half of their potential in life. Many times we are afraid to look deep inside, afraid of what we may find or not find. And this feeling of uncertainty and fear stops us from exploring further or taking some time to really explore who we are and all the incredible qualities we possess which are many times left untapped and untouched.

• It is said that one of the worst finales, is nearing the end of one’s life with ‘many a song unsung’. Many things undone. Many words unsaid. Many self discoveries not made. And one’s ability, true contribution and feeling of self worth compromised. It is a hollow feeling. I have heard it described as a state of panic when you realize that you have run out of time and the clock can never be turned back. I can only imagine what that would feel like. A feeling of terror, I would think.

Having said that, I feel that by now you are starting to stir. And perhaps some self realization is beginning to dawn. And you are already thinking of ways to go find the leader in you and discover the characteristics that you can share with the world and the people around you. Acts and thoughts that would bring joy to people but also incredible satisfaction to yourself as a human being. Or as a father, mother, sister, brother, entrepreneur, member of your community, church or other organization – taking your place of leadership and strength….

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