
When a child is born, the child goes through life untainted. Innocent. The act of growing occurs naturally. The unnatural part of the growth, however, is the maturity. As innocent as the child is, values are bestowed to the sibling by family, society, and other external factors. These values are not hereditary. They are a learned behavior. A child of the age of 4 years old may not have the same value of money when turning 28. That same belief in the value can also change when turning 50. Why is that? What does this all mean? Is the child truly living freely? Or is the child constrained by all these social factors?

Take, if you will, a child being born in Miami, Florida. The culture clashes, hustle and bustle of a city, or plainly the entire environmental atmosphere, shapes the mind of the child. From school to playmates. Ideology is like a seed planted with a full intent of the direction on how it should grow. In nature, however, if a seed is planted, the outcome of the growth should not be directed at all. It will simply grow. When it does grow, it is still innocent and unmolested by the environment. But that is not the case of the world today. These natural plants are now being tested by the very nature of the growth of humanity. Pollution. Global Warming. We are affecting everything on this world. We are affecting human thought. We are affecting our children.

I would love to see a child grow without these imaginary biases that have become reality in this world. I would love to see a family with unconditional love. Where each and everyone of them shines to each other as a new light. Life as we know it is not really what it is. Life as we know it is what has been fed to us by all of these external factors. But if we know it, why must we still partake in it? Because, unfortunately, this is our only way to live. Or is it?

In living with society, I have decided to ensure that my own socially successful life is up to par with the status quo, but at the same time, I can not help but ensure that my very nature understands the truth of it. Knowing the truth is a step to evolution. When this truth is shared, it will affect another's thought. It will then grow like the wild seed that should be growing in humanity. Not a shaped tree manipulated by social means. Believe me you, I will ensure that I live truthfully and share myself with the world unconditionally.

-Oliver Bulfango (January 25, 2009)

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