
Dear Peacemakers,

Every year, this week in September is blessed with more and more wonderful events for peace. As many of you know, September 21st is recognized as the International Day of Peace, and although every day can be thought of as a day for peace, on 9/21 we're reminded to be the change we'd like to see, and celebrate our great potential as a human family. From 9/17 to 9/21 we're featuring the Peace Day Broadcast brought to us by our friends at PeaceDayTV, which will include inspiring live events, such as the EarthDance music festival (To be part of and learn more about Earthdance, check out our EarthDance group :)).

Another event happening is PeaceWeek, a global telesummit from 9/14 to 9/21, featuring over 50 peacebuilders. You can register at no charge, and if you missed any of the calls, you'll be able to listen to the recordings.

Thank you so much to each of you for being part of the worldwide movement to explore solutions, and co-create a better world through all forms of media. There are so many people doing incredible work and the momentum is truly building. If you have original content, or favorite videos from sites like YouTube that you think we should put the spotlight on, you're encouraged to upload or embed them, and they may be featured on the front page ;).

Last but not least, check out this video from Ringo Starr, inviting us all to unify on 9/21 :).

With Love and Gratitude,
Yaron and The MyPeace.TV Team

Views: 27

Comment by Thomas Mitchell Glen on October 7, 2010 at 7:55am
Dear Yaron,
I have written a small article on 'Why war is evil, on the CreateDebate that could be an alternative way of thinking of Peace. Meantime keep up the good work.
Kind regards
Tom Glen


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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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