
We all must agree to disagree. All of us are motivated by fear and mistrust . Once we manage to overcome that fear we will be able to build peaceful world for generations to come and maybe get to enjoy it ourselves. I am not happy with what Israel is doing but I can understand why they are doing it. Any country would defend their citizens upon rockets fired on them. But there has to be a different way to break this cycle of violence ... It is getting us nowhere...Palestinian children are just as precious as Israeli children are. None of them deserve to live through this horror... We all must work to overcome our fears and learn to trust each other. But first of all we must agree to disagree ... Once we acknowledge our individual views and agree to disagree, we can start building on living together in Peace.

Views: 23

Comment by MiraCulous on January 25, 2009 at 10:05am
yes, it's true....

this problem is much more than just peace and war. It is between greed and simplicity. And what is greed basically? it stems from fear, fear that there is not enough to go around for all, so we must take from others.

It is really between Fear and Love.


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