
Dear MyPeace.TV Community,

A Big grateful welcome to all the new members and Peace Media pioneers! We deeply appreciate every effort that you all make to spread the word (last week we were up to about 460 members, and this week we are up to about 570! ). Simply by joining MyPeace.TV, you are making a statement to the world about your belief in our collective power to Co-Create Peace through Media. Thank you!!

As we promised last week, we now want to take a moment to feature some of you:

Melissa - the Associate Outreach Coordinator for the Global Oneness Project, a wonderful film project exploring the concept of our Oneness and how it can positively effect our world.

Oliver Jevremov - Media Architect at the We Are Family Foundation. The We Are Family Foundation celebrates the vision of a global family by creating and supporting programs that inspire and educate people about mutual respect, understanding, and appreciation of cultural diversity.

Miss Mina - One of our most passionate and active members, always adding great content and spreading the word about MyPeace.TV.

Lily Fishman - Expert tie dye creator and artist--people all over the globe are wearing her soulful, colorful shirts.

These are only some of the many Beautiful People who have joined MyPeace.TV. We are very thankful for each of you and we'll be featuring more of you in future updates!

We also want to thank those who have supported us through our Gift Shop.

Let us know when you upload pictures wearing our "We Are All One" shirts, or other products from our store, and we'll feature them on the front page!

In Unity,
The MyPeace.TV Team

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‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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Woke Up Alive, Promises & Peace Pilgrim

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