
Dear MyPeace.TV Community,

Last week we were up to about 350 members, and this week we are up to more than 460! So many of you have connected with our vision of Co-Creating Peace through Media, and you've been inviting others to join our movement. THANK you. What's beautiful is not only the amount of members, but the quality of your ideas and the media content that you've been sharing. In our next update, we'll feature some of the more active members on MyPeace.TV. For now, we'd like to share some ideas of what you could do to contribute to the movement:

1) Add videos from YouTube or Google that inspire you, or upload videos you've created.

2) Start a group to promote your passion or organization, and invite others to your group.

3) Join our MyPeace.TV Promotion Group on Facebook and invite all your friends.

4) Stop by our MyPeace.TV Gift Shop.

(Upload a picture of you wearing one of our products, let us know, and we'll feature it on the front page :) )

5) If you like films that uplift you and make you feel more connected to life, then we strongly suggest you take a free test drive (excluding S&H) of our affiliate partner, The Spiritual Cinema Circle. The SCC is a DVD club dedicated to sharing inspirational films with the world. Yaron Fishman, (MyPeace.TV's founder) recently saw "One", which is among the SCC's featured films, and he said "This movie is a fantastic example of celebrating diversity, and recognizing our oneness at the same time. I highly recommend "One" to anyone who wants to explore the deeper questions of life and how they are answered by people of various cultures throughout the world."

Thank you for reading, and we look forward to featuring some of you in our next update!

In Unity,
The MyPeace.TV Team

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‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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