
4:16am, blues round my face,
embraced by pain of mourning,
and i'm not quite sure
what to say,
where are you?
what have you done before me?
so many lives lost in Burma,
so many that we just can't see,
enslaved by their government,
over 3,300 villages,
burnt to the ground,
the child soldiers, 70,000,
recruited bullied in by age 9,
no way to be,
no way to be,
Burma you've lost your charm,
why Myanmar needs to be a place of harm,
just wish U Han Lin was alive to show me the way,
Burmese Freedom Fighter, who showed me how to meditate,
fight by nonviolence,
peace walks and hunger strikes,
tears just can't seem to fade away,
rain over Burma,
wash these fears away,
we love Daw Aung San Suu Kyi,
peace locked up in a cage,
the Buddhist way will fight the rage,
take pride in your Saffron Revolution,
the sun will rise in the mourning,

Copyright 2009 Jeffrey Karl Hellman


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