
Forum: The Rape and Murder of 7-year-old Ma Ne Mya and How the International Community Must Act

Dear Fellow Artists, Activists, and Academics Concerned about the welfare of Aung San Suu Kyi and the people of Burma,

I will keep my message brief so that you can read the recent report released by the Free Burma Rangers.

In my years of service for the cause for the International Campaign for Freedom of Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma I have read a lot of news that upset me. I have seen pictures of monks murdered and monks beaten in broad daylight. I have lost my stomach as reports continued to climb of citizens who perished from the Cyclone Nargis, where no warnings were properly given by the brutal military regime. There are stories of lost limbs by landmines planted like flowers of deception to end life that crossed it's path. Burned villages remain in ashes as millions live in malaria infested jungles as a result. What started twenty years ago as a peaceful unified call for democracy has been locked up, tortured, and annihilated from humanity.

It is this news, however, this story of the rape and murder of 7-year-old Ma Ne Mya that sends the most disappointment in my heart. Where have we as human beings gone wrong? What brainwashed education could make a man think that his body and mind must act in this way? Was he told to do this to this child? Would he have been raped or murdered if he did not do it first? I as a living breathing human being cannot and will not accept this sort of behavior by my fellow citizens, junta police or those calling for peace.

We must rise above.
We must carry on.
We must communicate our concern with clarity.
We will have to be working smarter and harder to end this war,
but it will have to be from everyone, everyday, and in every way we can think of to reestablish an educated, stable, and peaceful Burma.
We must act now.
This cancer has spread too far and we need to fight this Metastasis with Metta Sutta.
With loving care we can end this war.
With loving care we can bring peace to this great nation.
With loving care we can free our leader, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.
With loving care we can free Burma.

Myanmar is just a confused child, torn by miseducation, and a fear of losing power.

Let us, in our solidarity, "join hands" to "get to our destination."
Like Aung San Suu Kyi explains so eloquently,

"I think by now I have made it fairly clear that I am not very happy with the word "hope." I don't believe in people just hoping. We work for what we want. I always say that one has no right to hope without endeavor, so we work to try and bring about the situation that is necessary for the country, and we are confident that we will get to the negotiation table at one time or another. This is the way all such situations pan out-- even with the most truculent dictator."

With that I say, let's join hands and get to work.
May our prayers and condolences be sent to our brothers and sisters in South East Asia,
and with the will of Metta Sutta, Burma will Free.

Thank you very much.

Jeffrey Karl Hellman
International Campaign for Freedom of Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma (Spokesperson)


FBR REPORT: Burma Army Soldier Rapes and Murders 7-yr-old Girl in Northern Karen State as Burma Army Launches Attacks in Central Karen State and Abuses Continue in Karenni State.
Karen State, Burma
7 January, 2009


* Burma Army soldier abducts, rapes and kills 7-year-old Ma Ne Mya of Ma Oo Bin village
* Burma Army Displaces More Than 300 Villagers in New Attacks in Dooplaya District
* Burma Army Activity in Southern Karenni State

On 27 December, 2008, a Burma Army soldier abducted, raped and killed 7-year-old Ma Ne Mya of Ma Oo Bin village in the area close to Kyauk Kyi Town, Nyaunglebin District. According to a report from teams in the area, upon entering the village at around 6 pm, a soldier from LIB 350, abducted the girl and proceeded to take her outside the village and begin to rape her. The soldier shot and killed her when she began to cry loudly. LIB 350 is under the command of Captain Thet Khaing.
Map of area where girl was raped and Burma Army activity in Karenni State

The Following is a report of the same incident sent out on 2 January by the Karen Women's Organization

2nd January, 2009

Urgent Statement by the Karen Women's Organization

KWO demands accountability for SPDC rape and killing of 7-year-old girl

The Karen Women's Organization is demanding the immediate arrest and prosecution of an SPDC soldier who raped and killed a young girl in Burma's northern Karen State last week, as well as punishment of his commanding officer for failing to take action over the crime.

The body of the 7-year-old girl was found near her house with gunshot wounds in her chest and signs of rape in the village of Ma Oo Bin, Kyauk Kyi Township, Nyaunglebin District, in the evening of December 27, 2008. Villagers had seen a soldier from SPDC Light Infantry (LI) 350 enter the village shortly beforehand, and then heard sounds of a girl crying out and rifle shots.

Map of area where girl was raped and Burma Army activity in Karenni State

The girl's parents and village leaders went to report the case the next day to Captain Thet Khaing, the local commander of SPDC LI 350, stationed near the village, but no action has been taken yet.

The KWO is appalled at this horrific crime, and that the SPDC authorities have failed to take any action over the case. If such impunity continues, the SPDC military will continue to commit such crimes, threatening the lives of women and girls throughout the country.

The KWO demands the immediate arrest of the rapist and prosecution in accordance with the severity of his crime. His commanding officer, Captain Thet Khaing, must also be held accountable for this crime and be punished for failing to ensure prosecution of the offender.

The KWO urges the international community to pressure the SPDC authorities to take action over this case, and to ensure that the victim's family and other community members face no retaliation for their attempts to seek justice.
Burma Army Displaces More Than 300 Villagers in New Attacks in Dooplaya District

Map of area of Burma Army attacks in Dooplaya District

Hundreds of villagers are in need of food and medical supplies as new Burma Army and DKBA attacks have displaced more than 300 villagers in eastern Dooplaya District, central Karen State. In addition, at least twenty people have been forced to porter for the attacking troops after being captured. Troops from Burma Army IB 545, along with DKBA battalions 907 and 333, have launched attacks designed to squeeze out pockets of already displaced villagers, expand areas and under Burma Army control, and eliminate all KNLA resistance in the area.

The attacks, which began on 2 January, were launched against villagers and the KNLAin the areas of Oo Kray Kee and Hta Htoo Kyo. The attacks have continued, and villagers are now in great need of food, shelter and medical supplies. According to a relief team with the displaced (IDPs) on the ground now, over 100 villagers are hoping to cross the border to seek safety in Thailand, but have been prevented from doing so. It has been reported that the Burma Army and DKBA have suffered several casualties, including three landmine injuries, during their attacks.

Burma Army Activity in Southern Karenni State.
The Burma Army is now conducting sweeping operations and patrols in southern Karenni State, searching for IDPs and pro-democracy Karenni resistance troops. On 31 December, more than 200 soldiers from LIBs 337, 430, and 135 began sweeping through the villages of Bwa Doh, Bu Koh, Kwa Kee, and Koh Has Kee, searching for Karenni Army soldiers and forcing villagers to provide food and other materials for them. The troops from IB 135 were under the command of Ag Ag Tone, LIB 337 troops are under Kyaw Myo Min and the soldiers from LIB 430 were under the command of Tone Tone Lwin. It is not yet known what these units plan to do next. There is a Karenni relief team in the area now providing relief and continuing to report on the situation

The Free Burma Ranger's (FBR) mission is to provide hope, help and love to internally displaced people inside Burma, regardless of ethnicity or religion. Using a network of indigenous field teams, FBR reports on human rights abuses, casualties and the humanitarian needs of people who are under the oppression of the Burma Army. FBR provides medical, spiritual and educational resources for IDP communities as they struggle to survive Burmese military attacks.

For more information, please visit

© 2007 Free Burma Rangers | Contact FBR

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