
I don't think lies originate from fear, I honestly think they are the result of ego.

I know people say lies are told due to an underlying fear of the consequences of telling the truth, and in some situations I am sure that is the case, but I think the biggest fear most people have is the fear of being found out. Not people finding out the truth behind their lie, so much as finding out the truth behind them.

So many people lie about who or what that are, calling yourself something doesn't make you it, if it did everyone would be a lovely person... they all tell you how they are so wonderful after all!

Most of the lies told have no underlying fear, they are told purely to boast the perpetrators ego, to perpetuate their fake persona.

I have lived with multiple liars (the deceitful kind) and I have absolutely no time for them. None of them had anything to fear by telling the truth, but their facade would never break and they would plead innocence till the cows came home. They didn't care who they hurt with their lies, who ended up taking the blame, all they cared for is themselves... their ego.

The worst lies told are those sprinkled with truth as they are the hardest to detect, so you are easily deceived by them.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with lying, it is deceit that I truly abhor. I've lied to take the "bullet" for people on many an occasion and I don't see anything wrong in that kind of lie, but letting someone, pleading their innocence, take the fall for you is a completely different matter.

The most common lie told... "Yes I'm fine"

Views: 47

Comment by Melissa on July 23, 2009 at 12:41am
Being lied to is hurtful and shows such disrespect, I am sorry you have first hand experience with deceitful liars, but remember it is their own karma that will catch up to them, what comes around always goes around, you have to do nothing, and especially don't let it eat at you, have faith that the universe will take care of it, and maybe one day you will have compassion for the liars in your life, it can be done, I have done it...well it's was more like compassion just grew for the ones who lied and'or hurt me in is freeing :)

Dear friend i have to disagree with you, even lies to purely boost the ego is still based in fear :( I do believe all lies are, and lies have hurt me also, but when I came to realize "how people treat me has nothing to do with me" nothing could ever again hurt's a very freeing revelation :)
Comment by on July 23, 2009 at 3:58am
Dear Melissa

I must have come across some very different liars to you, ones that do not lie because of fear, however much you look at their motive... it is not fear based.

I expect these are the liars that Freak Face is referring to.

As for karma, which I do believe in, it does not affect all, some lie, lie and lie some more and still do not get the karma you would think.

You are right with not letting it eat away at you, that is self destructive. Letting go is the best way... both physically and emotionally.

"how people treat me has nothing to do with me" nothing could ever again hurt's a very freeing revelation..... that is an excellent way to seeing things, thank you Melissa :) x

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Comment by Freak Face on July 23, 2009 at 6:22am
Thank you for reading the blog and taking the time to comment :)

I guess we all have different takes on it, good thing I suppose.

I do find it hard to believe some of the lies I have come across are based in fear, unless it is a fear of being honest and seeing yourself for who you really are that is.

I have let go and forgiven people time and time again in the past it doesn't stop them, I've learnt not to forget.

What you said, "how people treat me has nothing to do with me" is very good but in a situation where you can't escape, for whatever reason, it's very hard to feel that way.


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