
Why can't we be diverse, why do we all have to be the same? One of the biggest problems in todays society, in my opinion, is the fear of accepting that we are all different.

The world would be a very dull and boring place if we were all the same. Thankfully we aren't all intellectuals, if we were who would be the navvies? Who would do the blue collar jobs if the whole world was made of artists?

Imagine a world with only Thoroughbred horse's, a world with only Percheron's, or a world with just Thoroughbred/Percheron's, none of those worlds would be a very productive or successful. The Thoroughbred may be a brilliant sportsman, the Percheron a workman par excellence and the Thoroughbred/Percheron a perfect friend but a world made of only one kind, any kind, wouldn't work.

We can't all be athletes, we can't all be scientists, we cant all be the same.

Views: 22

Comment by Melissa on July 17, 2009 at 5:48pm
Diversity is beautiful :)
Comment by Freak Face on July 17, 2009 at 6:09pm
Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog :)


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