
Left Brain Filtration (Education)

Modern day education is just a filtration system imposed on society to suppress right brain thinking people and promote left brain thinking people.

This is done because left brain people are easier to control and are less likely to question authority compared to free thinking right brain people.

The filter used in the education process is the simple but affective written or oral exam. These exams are graded and are then used supposedly as proof of intelligence. The exams are geared towards the left brain, because to do well in them all you have to do is be able to recall facts and figures that have been selected for you to learn, like a dog who has learnt to sit on command.

The people that do well in exams are more likely to get the jobs that have power and could make a difference. But because these people are left brain oriented thinkers they are limited to what others say is possible and do not question it.

Thus by imposing there education system on society they can remain in power by selecting the people that are easier to control and put them into the jobs that can make a difference. This process of selection is all hidden behind “their” definition of intelligence.

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Comment by on June 7, 2009 at 9:26am
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There's more than one way to be smart. There may be at least seven different forms of intelligence. Which one is strongest in you? When you choose a career that uses your strongest type of intelligence, you greatly increase your chances of being successful.
Have you ever wondered if there’s only one way to be smart, or if there might be several different forms of intelligence?

A professor at Harvard University named Dr. Howard Gardner has been studying the topic of intelligence for many years.

Dr. Gardner thinks that we should revise and expand our idea of what constitutes intelligence. Gardner has suggested we consider at least seven forms of intelligence.

These are: verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, social-interpersonal, and intra-personal. See if you can discover which forms of intelligence are strongest in you.

People who have a strong linguistic intelligence will respond in a deep way to the construction and sound of language. Writers, poets, and editors excel in this form of intelligence. People who exhibit a strong need to correct errors in grammar are also very strong in this trait.

People who have logical-mathematical intelligence can become successful lawyers, mathematicians, computer programmers, and scientists. They are able to logically analyze data and information and follow extremely complex chains of ideas.

Those people who have strong visual-spatial intelligence, can become artists, decorators, designers, sculptors and photographers. People in this group respond to visual line, texture, color, or three-dimensional space.

People who have musical intelligence have the ability to understand and respond to music. They get deep meaning out of listening to aural melodies, textures and rhythms. A person with musical intelligence may not necessarily play or compose music, but will be a passionate listener, getting far more out of the experience than an average person.

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence quite a mouthful. This term means that these people are very attuned to where every part of their body is located in space. They have extremely good control and awareness of their movements. This type of intelligence is very high in those people who excel in sports and dance. It is also a great asset in actors.

People with a high degree of interpersonal intelligence are good at picking up cues to the emotions of others and understanding the emotional states of those around them. They are particularly good at empathizing with others, and know how to comfort, inspire and lead people. This is a good trait to have in a political leader. It is also a desirable quality in teachers, therapists and salespeople.

Intra-personal intelligence mans an ability to deeply and truly know and understand oneself. It is the ability to analyze and assess one’s innermost qualities and behaviors. This is a form of intelligence that may be found in philosophers and spiritual leaders.

These are seven basic qualities or abilities that may rightfully be considered as forms of intelligence. Each involves a particular way of using the brain. Each of these can be highly developed in certain individuals and can be an important component of a person’s success in life and career.

This expanded definition of intelligence can help explain why so many people who did poorly in school still end up very successful in life.

When you consider Dr. Gardner’s expanded definition of intelligence, which forms do you think are especially strong in you? Which do you think are particularly weak?

When you went to school, did your educational experience address your intelligence strengths? Or did it target the areas in which you were weakest? Does your present career make good use of your strongest form of intelligence?

You will have the best chance of being successful in life when your chosen career makes good use of your strongest type of intelligence.


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