
Dear Peacemakers,

In celebration of John Lennon's birthday, we're happy to feature "Voices for John Lennon" , a video of people sharing their thoughts about him, and why they feel there should be an official John Lennon day to celebrate his message of peace and love.

Also, tomorrow is 10-10-10 and people all over the globe are choosing to unify in a mass meditation/prayer for peace. Many are choosing to do this at 10:10am/pm wherever they are. Others are getting involved with events such as the One Day on Earth project, inviting people all over the planet to film moments from their lives on the same day, so we can come together, share and better understand our human family. If you know of other events, or if you choose to do something special tomorrow, you are more than welcome to post blogs, photos or videos about it.

Thank you for all you do to make the world a better place and may you have an absolutely wonderful weekend :)

With Love and Gratitude
Yaron and The MyPeace.TV Team

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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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