
Go Naked:
I have always been Loved and at infinite Peace with what is.
 I left that, was born and grasped the blanket of knowledge,  the caress, and the milk of a mothers breast.
I sought the knowledge and walked in the shadows seeking the Peace of what is again.
 It became cold and dark.
Now I could not find the Peace or the caress, nor the breast.
 I sought deeper through the shadows of knowledge and found wondrous things. Though I could not see how to use them.
It became colder and darker.
I grasped at strange breasts and sour milk. Still looking for that peace that I once had.
 The knowledge and the wondrous things around were dark and out of reach.
 I fell into a ditch called despair and cried. Wished that I never was, and had died.
The past was resentful, and the future was impossible.
I prayed
At last I felt a great warmth and faint light.
Then I awoke, and let fall what may fall.
The infinite peace of what is. Present to all.
My blanket of knowledge by my side limp and dead.
Ashamed and embarrassed I laughed and I cried tears of joy.
For that stupid blanket had been wrapped around my head.
I have returned to the Present of infinite Love only to find it was me that had veiled it. 
The moral here is to wear your blanket loosely or better yet go naked and raw for all to see.
Then you will be seen by all and will. never be lost or afraid,
Do this and you will help others leave their blanket at home also.
Blessed what Be,
Tom Moloughney

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