

We have developed Peace Educational information on our website.

We believe that education implies many learning styles.

We do not have the budget to develop the materials in video or, other formats.

What we do have is an incredible framework for learning taken from many of the leading teachers on the planet since the formalization of Global Education back in 1972.

What we are proposing to this network is to consider how your work may convey particular learning skills or styles or information - how to express ideas in other than just the written medium of the internet.

We recognize our website is not the best it can be, but it is growing almost organically. It is being redesigned.

Our next stage is to develop two aspects.
1) a World Peace Posse. _ we are currently drafting the intake criteria. This World Peace Posse will be leaders from the Youth movement , the business community, educators for Peace, and whoever feels they want to contribute - but do not know how.

We intend to be an orgaizing force through the disemination of educational practices, protocols and information that will uplift the spirit and enable light to be shared by all.

2) as a separate initiative we are asking videographers, poets, graphic artists to look at our educational materials and let us view, receive your interpretations of the ideas using your unique skills and talents and our frame works.

This is somewhat how Natural Step put its information together - although technology is much more advanced since they adopted our major process - the Socratic Method - which is now expressed as Mathetics - W e can forward details on Mathetics if you desire,.

We are not yet geared up for receiving and implementing - we are just testing the idea in the community - and thought this My Peace TV might perform that task for us.

Here's hoping.


Mitch GOld

P.S. Go visit and for starters look at our educational Materials and lets start with our Accelerated learning techniques. At some point we will be rewarding people for their contributions.

We will be tough critics on presentations - looking for wholistic, artiistic pithy renditions of expressed concepts. We are particulary interested in beautiful sound tracks that encourage the opening of the heart.

If we are hoping for too much - well that is what heaven is all abvout


Mitch Gold

Views: 23

Comment by Onjewu Adah-kole on December 21, 2008 at 2:04am
Thumbs up, I am in Mitch, see you always henceforth...
Comment by mitch l gold on December 21, 2008 at 12:15pm
Greetings Onjewu -

when you say you are in - lets discuss what that means and how we work together.- if you want to just stay with the curricula area then fine - but we are looking to develop the larger picture at the same time

there are many ways of course so we need to look at what is happening right now.

we are working on getting the attention of the Obama transition team on the 1% (TOPS ) program - getting people to vote for it - we have started late compared to others - but ours affects the global commons - while most other programs /ideas only affect America.

ask me questions if you need to know more. We are getting a team together here to begin our campaign. maybe you have some ideas?



erica -


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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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