There are certain key frequencies occurring on specific dates in 2012. The equinoxes, solstices, and eclipes are extremely powerful, each presenting final codings to the Ascension.
JANUARY 25 ~ Initiation of the 12th Wave of the Ascension.
FEBRUARY 3 ~ Neptune in Pisces ~ Great Inner Vision is enhanced within the 12th Wave.
FEBRUARY 8 ~ Chiron in Pisces ~ A great opportunity for individual release and global healing.
MARCH 20 ~ Equinox ~ The 4th and final wave of the Cosmic Trigger, downloading and initializing the Crystalline Codes.
MAY 20 ~ Solar Eclipse ~ Humanity macrointegration ~ Divine Masculine Balance.
JUNE 4 ~ Lunar Eclipse ~ Humanity micro integration ~ Divine Feminine Balance.
JUNE 6 ~ Venus Transit ~ Integration with the Sirian and Pleiadean Alliance, the full return of the Golden Dolphon energies, the initial integration of Divine Feminine to Divine Masculine.
JUNE 20 ~ Summer Solstice ~ Extremely powerful, completing a quartet of dates with the Solar eclipse of May 20th and Lunar Eclipse of June 4th and Venus Transit of June 6th. This will be an extremely intense energy that incorporates a final inflow of energetic codes and allows for obstructing releases.
SEPTEMBER 22 ~ Autumn Equinox ~ Initial networking formation of all 12 Primary Sun Disc into Crystalline format.
NOVEMBER 13 ~ Total Solar Eclipse ~ Activation of the 144 Satellite Sun Discs to the 12 Primary Discs. Final Grid Integration of the Divine Masculine in Balance.
NOVEMBER 28 ~ Lunar Eclipse ~ Penumbral ~ Final Grid completion and integration of the Divine Feminine.
DECEMBER 12 ~ (12.12.12) Triple date portal. The final culmination and completion of the Crystal~Grid. Activation of the final Atlantean Temple Crystals into the new code, and unification with the Pyramidal structures and Sun Discs. Combination of balance of masculine and feminine energies into Divine Oneness. Final coding of Mas in the Crystal Vortex.
DECEMBER 21 ~ Winter Solstice ~ Rebooting of the Ascension Grid and networking of the Crystalline Quantum~Field. Expansion into greater access to 12 dimensions. The "Finger of GOD" formation of Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto.
12.12.12 REBOOT:
On the 12.12.12 all of the systems become fully coded. Activation of the Fire Crystal of Bimini correlated into the Crystal Vortex and Crysto Sun Disc of Arkansas. Then a brief rebooting occurs and all will reactivate in full functionality of all Crystalline Field Systems on the 12.12.12.
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"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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