
Carl Webb posting reminded me that I have a photo of London's Tavistock Square Memorial to Conscientious Objectors. It is in my files and I will digitize and post here when I get home.

The Right to Refuse to Kill

“To the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights one more might, with relevance, be added. It is "The Right to Refuse to Kill".”[27] --Quote from Nobel Peace Laureate Sean MacBride, Nobel Lecture, under the sub-heading, “Peace and Human Rights are Inter-related.” At the time he made this statement (1974) in his Nobel Lecture he was Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations.

“The right to conscientious objection to military service is not a marginal concern outside the mainstream of international human rights protection and promotion.”[28] —Quote from Amnesty International, 1997

“If the right to life is the first of all human rights, being the one on which all other rights depend, the right to refuse to kill must be the second.”[29] --Quote from Peace Tax Seven, 2005

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