
Conjure up the characters
and watch them all come true
The real world is no more or less
than what resides in you

Dare to energize the things
you really care about
Don't harbor Joy
Let it out!

Director of your movie
guardian of your soul
your Being has the power
to actualize the Whole

Breathe into your very own
Divine Design Within
Let your passion set the path
to bring your vision in

Corrina Cop Rain McFarlane

Views: 36

Comment by Jonas Cain on September 26, 2008 at 3:44am
Now is a good time, isn't it?
Comment by Corrina Cop Rain McFarlane on September 26, 2008 at 8:07am
Yes Jonas, Now Is A Very Good Time!!

My 12 year old, who is now 33, upspake to an adult in our time and out-of-the-blue; "I believe I have been born into a time that will become known as another Dark Ages in Human History, but that I will live to see one of the most beautiful.."

Now is a very good time; yes.


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