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Owenfox's Page

Profile Information

About Me/Us:
Hi & Welcome to my profile :0)

I hope you are in great spirits today and enjoy reading the text below. If you so wish, I invite you to contact me! :0)

Well, my life’s goal and plan is to let peace, love, joy and light(goodness/virtues like understanding, humility, kindness without wanting in return, forgiveness, care, nurturing, supporting. Tolerance, patience etc) unfold and grow in me, and thus shine into the world outside, through what I say, think and do :0) Also to be of service and help to others, and to live to my highest light and potential.

So my daily way is to do my best… in each moment, circumstance and with each person… to be as unconditionally loving, peaceful, joyous! And full of light as I can, and to cultivate this things inside me, doing so with ease rather than a forced uncomfortable way. So another way of saying all of this is to let my higher nature unfold, and move closer to the Divine and Its way.

I love people! And animals, little insects and all of nature too :0) I am very close to the land, I walk barefoot whenever possible, and just love sitting out in - or being active - nature, with my cat, with the grass beneath my feet, watching the beautiful bluey sky and clouds float by… to see people going about their way.. And smiling and saying hi to many people also. I view all people as my friends… I have no ill feelings towards anyone, and am open and extroverted with so called strangers, I simply view us all as one big human family… connected with that underlying One Life… I can see myself in them, and them in me. We have the same Spirit! So I am not shy or introverted at all, I must admit I do love to interact with my “stranger” friends from time to time, at least to smile warmly and genuinely at many…

I am very light hearted and happy go lucky ~ I am very flexible and ready to suit and deal with a sudden change of circumstance, and do so joyfully and peacefully too :0) I take a pleasant light hearted look at most ordinary simple things - and otherwise - and take much pleasure from the mundane things in life. I am easy to see the funny or beneficial side of life and its challenges and troubles. In fact, I see everything as being perfect already, and that it could not be otherwise. I believe all things happen for a reason, and we can consider that there is often a deeper concealed good beneath the bad things that happen to us.

I go about my days in a easeful, relaxed way, happily doing what I need to do, and happily enjoying my free time also. I go at a calm pace, I smell the flowers - literally - and try be fully where I am, instead of continually racing to a future point. I try live in the moment, experiencing a fullness of life!, and live in a state of non judgment(criticism), non attachment, and inner non resistance. All of these four things allow me to live in a way where im pretty much free of suffering, stress, anxiety and negative feelings, although of course negativity does crop up from time to time but doesn’t usually take me over! :0) lol

As well as nature and people(and people interactions), I also love yoga(outdoors on grass or somewhere pretty if possible). I like simple things really.. I amnt interested much in attaining heaps of wealth or materials, although id be happy to share if I was rich. My other joy comes from helping others. I also take the joy from simply being…. Still in thought and fully doing what I am doing, or where I am, to feel my own inner essence shining through…

I almost forgot - I love to laugh as well as to smile! :0) :D I even smile and laugh at myself; ever hear of laughter yoga? I like to sing to myself, and whistle happy tunes. I like classical music, and uplifting chants and music. I do not watch much tv at all, and generally only voluntarily take uplifting and inspiring things into my life.

My recent motto has been - “make the most of it”

There is of course so much more, i invite you to mail me if you wish :0)

peace, love, light and joy! :0)
Relationship Status:
the ones that uplift, inspire and touch your heart so that it palpates EXPANSIVELY, your soul weeping in joy & moaning with the urge to make a difference in the world and help others.

peace, love to all people, and all creation!
Peace Pilgrim & all of eckhart tolle stuff :0)
PeacePilgrim, other amazing givers and peace advocates.

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At 1:34pm on October 15, 2009, said…

At 1:33pm on October 15, 2009, said…
Hi Owen

I often think of you, nice to hear from you.

Trust you are OK.

Love Sue xox
At 3:50pm on October 14, 2009, Yaron Fishman said…
human peace sign
At 6:25pm on May 27, 2009, said…

At 2:17am on October 3, 2008, Owenfox said…
haha no problem, im glad you did sure ;0) i like these pages from what ive seen so far :0)
At 5:44pm on October 2, 2008, Yaron Fishman said…
Welcome and thank you for joining!

I believe I came across your info on a Peace Pilgrim site :)

Peace & Love

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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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