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Posted on October 16, 2009 at 9:19pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted on August 11, 2009 at 7:47pm 2 Comments 0 Likes
"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Hugs, Tom
Thats me reading a statement to the CIGNA executive
I am one of 6 people arrested demanding that Humana authorize payment to all doctor prescribed treaments to their insured people
How did your interview go?. I hope you get it and a lot of work, but leave some room for me to hire you for 3 weeks in September to blog and tweet about MRSA, the H1n1 virus, and my product which had a name yesterday, but no longer does. I've only budgeted for 3 weeks for blogging and tweeting, but I also want to pay you some additional money for SEO and SEM.
Our timing is going to be ideal, unfortunately, because kids are going back to school and that will increase interest in the above subjects.
At some point I will end you an e-mail confirming the blogging and tweeting--same hours/price per hour as the Bo blog (didin't want to quite the actual cost in public). But when you get back to me by e-mail, I want you to say that you will only do it at that price if the company I am working for sends you a check every Friday like I did.
While I trust this company, I do not run it and Iwant to make sure you are treated fairly. We can talk aboiyt this on the phone one day.
Remember, I won't have the go ahead until many things fall into,place including product delivery, name of product, distribution amd, of course, the Web site. Everything is on a fast track because they need to be ready when kids go bacl to school. Naturally, that is not our onky market.
Talk to you. Soon.
All the best,
Also, I'm trying to get you some $$ to help with SEO and SEM. Stay tuned.
Great to see her.
Wherever she lands.
What contributions.
Remember the
Health League of Its Own
And then all
The articles? The poems?
There's history here.
But progress does not end.
ABC4All Basics!
Thats with GHR
In sight!
C4US!=See 4Yourself!
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