
CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd
  • Female
  • Lexington, SC
  • United States
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CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd's Friends

  • Rev. Thomas Stuart
  • Cecil Hickman
  • Marie Ricard
  • Jack Goldenberg
  • Lezlie Frances Hierholzer
  • LisaRenee
  • al rogers
  • Pamela
  • ABC4All GlobiVersity
  • Irene Edelmann
  • Rev. Daniel Thomas Smith
  • ♥
  • Andrew
  • Jonas Cain


America, Home of the Kryptonite

Once upon a time, America once stood as a nation of laws, a beacon to the world and a shining pillar of hope. Somewhere along the line, we have forgotten equality and justice under the law. Instead of lauding the likes of superheroes Luke Skywalker, Batman, Superman and yes, even Robin Hood; we have transformed […]

In Life, there are No Fairytales

No, I am not talking about Beauty and the Beast, Pocahontas, or Cinderella. In those stories, the handsome young suitor comes along and presents a rosy ending. Don’t even get me started on the lie told by history books on Pocahontas.    The “fairytales” I’m talking about are the ones depicted on theater big […]

Life, One Day at a Time

Last week, I was diagnosed with F4, Cirrhosis. When I first found out, I really didn’t know how to react. I thought about how years ago, I had ended up in the hospital for over a week due to an unknown illness. At first, doctors brought in the CDC thinking I had some unknown new […]

Afghanistan: Where is the Outrage?

“All is fair in love and war.” – John Lyly’s Euphues After nearly 20 years of the invasion of Afghanistan, future generations will be paying the nearly $6.5 trillion accumulated debt until 2050. In that time, 6,294 American soldiers and contractors have been killed. This excludes the 66,000 Afghan military and police officers, 1,144 allied […]

The Danger of Inaction in Democracy

I was recently made aware of a dangerous incident that took place in the heartland of America. An obviously disturbed man and his cult followers stormed a local Wal-Mart proclaiming to be the “vaccine police”. With malicious plans hatched through their online Facebook group “417 Freedom Fighters”, the misguided leader and his cult headed to […]

CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd's Page

Profile Information

About Me/Us:
Known as the "Social Media Sorceress" CarolAnn is a Freelance Writer and Online Journalist; Author, Artist, Poet; Professional Blogger, Web Content Developer and Web Consultant. Visit CarolAnnB's Weblog @; Follow her on Twitter @ CarolAnnB or Stumble her on SU @ CarolAnnB on Stumble

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Drama, sci-fi,apocolyptic, alternative, indy, non-fiction
Not much...
All genres, all ages
Too many to list, but my favorite is "Emotional Intelligence."
My dad.

Favorite Quote of All Time

"If you think you can or can't, you're right." - Henry Ford

Life Expectancy Calculator:
You may be younger, or much older, than you think!
This one is something! This'll either scare you or elate you.
If you answer truthfully it is a cool tool.

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CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd's Blog

Candlelight Vigil to honor the Dead - Columbia, SC - October 18, 2009

Posted on October 16, 2009 at 9:19pm 0 Comments

Because we can't allow the death of another uninsured American in these United States

Date: Sunday, October 18, 2009

Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm

Location: State House

Street: 1101 Gervais Street

City/Town: Columbia, SC

We are coming together to honor those who die from lack of health care

• Nearly 45,000 people die in the US each year because they lack health insurance and cannot get quality care. That equals out to roughly… Continue

Are You there, God?

Posted on August 11, 2009 at 7:47pm 2 Comments

A short story on the power of faith

There once was an older, destitute man. He had lost his family, his dignity, his work, and all his worldly possessions. The only thing he had left was his faith in God.

One day, he walked along the city sidewalks; homeless as he was. Peering around the city buildings, the passing cars, and sidewalk shoppers - he remembered a time when had the love of his wife, the comfort of home, and the comradery of his many friends and… Continue

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At 12:30am on April 7, 2010, Rev. Thomas Stuart said…
You are quite welcome darling lady. You know you always have a friend In Jesus and me in Pennsylvania.
Hugs, Tom

At 8:15pm on October 31, 2009, al rogers said…
Thats me reading a statement to the CIGNA executive
I am one of 6 people arrested demanding that Humana authorize payment to all doctor prescribed treaments to their insured people
At 6:16pm on October 16, 2009, Yaron Fishman said…
At 10:12pm on August 11, 2009, Jack Goldenberg said…

How did your interview go?. I hope you get it and a lot of work, but leave some room for me to hire you for 3 weeks in September to blog and tweet about MRSA, the H1n1 virus, and my product which had a name yesterday, but no longer does. I've only budgeted for 3 weeks for blogging and tweeting, but I also want to pay you some additional money for SEO and SEM.

Our timing is going to be ideal, unfortunately, because kids are going back to school and that will increase interest in the above subjects.

At some point I will end you an e-mail confirming the blogging and tweeting--same hours/price per hour as the Bo blog (didin't want to quite the actual cost in public). But when you get back to me by e-mail, I want you to say that you will only do it at that price if the company I am working for sends you a check every Friday like I did.

While I trust this company, I do not run it and Iwant to make sure you are treated fairly. We can talk aboiyt this on the phone one day.

Remember, I won't have the go ahead until many things fall into,place including product delivery, name of product, distribution amd, of course, the Web site. Everything is on a fast track because they need to be ready when kids go bacl to school. Naturally, that is not our onky market.

Talk to you. Soon.

All the best,

At 9:36am on August 10, 2009, said…
Good luck :)))))) x
At 9:26am on August 10, 2009, said…
Thank you for the book. Your poems are very good. Glad that we are friends x

At 4:34am on August 10, 2009, said…
At 10:34pm on August 9, 2009, Jack Goldenberg said…
Forgot the MOST IMPORTANT part. Good luck tomorrow!
At 10:32pm on August 9, 2009, Jack Goldenberg said…
Well, I just joined because of you, but that was reason enough. I started working last week. It will last if I can get people to go to the Web site (which isn't up yet). Tomorrow, I make a pitch to Columbia University who patented the product, Zytrel, that I'm working on. Of course, part of my pitch is to hire you for at least 3 weeks, longer if we start doing well.
Also, I'm trying to get you some $$ to help with SEO and SEM. Stay tuned.

At 8:57pm on August 9, 2009, ABC4All GlobiVersity said…
CarolAnn is here.
Great to see her.
Wherever she lands.
What contributions.
Remember the
Health League of Its Own
And then all
The articles? The poems?
There's history here.
But progress does not end.
ABC4All Basics!
Thats with GHR
In sight!
C4US!=See 4Yourself!

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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