Although my fragile body and limited conscious mind most often make me feel "separate", once in a while I feel the oneness of all creation that is constantly in a creative, evolving state, as The Creator expresses Itself as me, you, the plants,animals, fish, the world, the universe, all things seen and unseen in the timeless Now. I think those rare moments of bliss will be our constant experience when we leave our bodies and move on.
October 24 is also United Nations Day, the day that we selected for the Heart of Africa Campaign - the campaign that enlivens compassion in the creative city, through the education process of the following initiatives -the MDG´s, the UNGC, the Earth Charter, and most recently the ISO 26000 Standards.
when acknowledging the day to NOT remind ourselves of the ISO 26000 Standard and its intention is to fall short of the target. The ISO covers human intention with our spending habits and encourages us to support only corporations that intend to use the ISO 26000 for guidance.
World Peace Posse
"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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