
I am on the board for this one:

I contribute here when I can:

When funds are limited food and water must be priorities, in my view. Keeping people alive; then we can work on other problems.

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"Finish the Job is a grass roots effort to place all of Mississippi's Katrina Survivors in safe, secure housing and to help them rebuild their homes and lives."

My friend went down three times to work with them and is saving up for a fourth trip down. He had nothing but nice things to say about the entire group.
The Love Foundation is doing some great things... for any musicians out there, see the following:

Seattle, WA - It's all about love (and music) in global proportions!

The Love Foundation invites people around the world to join together in celebrating and expanding LOVE during a one day planetary event encompassing all nations, all people, and all life on May 1, 2009.

This 6th annual Global Love Day, with the theme "Love Begins With Me," takes place as various celebrations around the globe.

Individuals and organizations from around the world are expressing their support for this unique day along with numerous proclamations from prominent governors, mayors, councils and commissions for its timeless and timely vision of unity, tolerance, diversity and unconditional love.

In conjunction with this event, the band Light Euphoric is inviting all artists with positive songs and love based humanitarian music, to share in this day as a musical collective.

Light Euphoric is requesting its musical peers to join together via the internet… MySpace, YouTube, personal web sites, various other social networks (or by live concert), to share their songs of love on this day… Friday, May 1st for Global Love Day.
Your personal event may be by any media vehicle of your choice.

Here’s what Light Euphoric is initially suggesting:
• Connect with other musicians to promote via MySpace, YouTube etc…
• Reach out to your fan base and/or cross promote with others to highlight this day of celebration
• Offer a gift of love to your fan base/friends on this day- i.e.; free MP3 download of your song(s) or video to share, etc…
• Make sure to connect with Light Euphoric to sign up as a participant for cross promotion, as they will highlight those participating and also send out additional press and bulletins as appropriate. (This is a free event, there are no fees associated) Contact Tam at Light Euphoric at or via MySpace pages at . Please place “Global Love Day” in the subject line.

A sample Global Love Day video montage is enclosed for those needing an example of what you might want to create and send to friends, family, fan base if you would prefer to promote/participate in a more simplified way via an email campaign etc… :

More information on Global Love Day can be found at or its sponsor foundation at

The Love Foundation is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization with the mission of inspiring people to love unconditionally. Established in 2000, TLF has become the internationally recognized leading resource for understanding and applying unconditional love. Their vision is to assist people by building a practical foundation and experience of love within individuals and society as a whole, through their education, research and charitable programs.


‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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