
Hi All,

I want to introduce everyone to an amazing story and film called "Inside Peace." Some people I know spent four years filming inmates at a prison in Texas who were taking an "Inner Peace" class while incarcerated. Once they are released, the film follows them as well.

I am fortunate to be able to offer a premiere screening of the film in Michigan. Here's the press release:

"Lansing, Michigan – Award-winning documentary “Inside Peace," released 2015, follows the lives of inmates behind bars as they transform, leaving behind life of crime and discovering their humanity. Meet Trinidad, David, and Jake, hardened criminals, as they explore the possibility of change in their lives,and discover a newfound sense of self-worth, all while incarcerated.

From director/producer Cynthia Fitzpatrick, the movie has won ten Film Festival awards in 2015, including two Humanitarian Awards. The Michigan premiere will be held at Hannah Community Center, East Lansing, MI on June 1, 2016, 7pm. Open to the public and appropriate for general audiences, tickets will be available at the door for a $5 donation. No reservations are necessary.

Select cast members will be on tap, joining in via media, with a Q&A following the screening."


What do you think? Do you work in prison reform or any related issues such as mass incarceration?

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