"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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why are we not collaborating?
come on - visit hoemplanet .org and educational materials.
and what is your budget?
there is so much you can do with homeplanet as a base o or as a resource
My thesis is to prove that non-conformity is a characteristics of high intelligence, and everyone possess the potential for greatness if directed and motivated through financial compensation and world relevance.
The criteria for involvement is you must have one of the following :
• Some form of learning disability,
• Struggled in the formal education system at one point.
• A thirst for knowledge, Believing that your level of personal potential is not met.
• Willingness to participate in an experimental education project.
• Desire to make changes.
• A passion for truth.
• Non-materialistic repulsed by decadence and excessive luxury.
• A strong understanding of karma and cosmic truth.
I you fulfill the above criteria, you have passed the first interview, and can join our team.. If you meet the criteria below, then we need your life experience.
• Had problems with the law.
• Struggled with addictions, in the past or still struggling.
• Frustrated with achieved level of personal success.
A driving passion to improve world modles of civilization.
If you meet the above criteria, you will become part of the actual experimental project.
And if you meet the following criteria, then you will be a leader of your own experimental team.
• A strong command of the English language, able to articulate clearly to an audience, either written or spoken,.
I you meet the criteria of A you are eligible to join our project. If you do not possess any of A criteria, but meet the criteria of B, you can still become part of our team.
Criteria C is only valid if you fulfill A or B. We are strict with the criteria, as those involved will be proving the thesis with their performance and success.
Please help spread this programme and begin a new educational modle.
Artist of all mediums:
Craftspeople with established skills.
Comedians and Reporters
Scicentists and Psychics
Builders and labors,
Artists and Musicians
Dancers and
let me know and I will connect you