
Talk 13 with Vaz Sriharan - Your ego just wants to be loved

Communicating transparently with Vaz Sriharan. Enjoy this insightful talk covering love, ego, relationships, denial, depression and the journey within to connect to loving every aspect of your being. Simon and Vaz share wisdom from experience.

Vaz Sriharan is a channel writer and grounded spiritual activist living in London, England. Experiencing depression for most of his life, Vaz drew upon his spirituality to explore his situation, embarking on a lifelong journey.

He is also founder and director of the London College of Spirituality (London Spirituality Meetup Group), a heart-centered gateway offering talks by pioneering spiritual explorers, healing nights, ascension forums and social meetups - spreading a universal message of love and empowerment. Vaz works towards helping awaken others to their Divine heritage.

Watch full talk and more Transparent life changing conversations at

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