
Why Can't There Be Peace? - Leonardo Taglialavore - Mantra of Peace music compilation

Why Can't There Be Peace? - Leonardo Taglialavore - Mantra of Peace music compilation

Why Can't There Be Peace is the 1st song of 12 songs that comprise Mantra of Peace music compilation

Credits below as provided by Leonardo Taglialavore in 2006;

Vocals provided by our friends:

Bob Lucas

Jude Grover

Gary and Maria of soundclicks "ARTYTOU"

Sooty AKA Mark Sutton of soundclicks "EARTHSCRY"

Mr. Karl Noonan of soundclicks "KARL NOONAN"

Robert and Patti Boucher

Marlon Kempmann of soundclicks "DOCTOR MEMORY"

Jim Rustemeyer of soundclicks "Artificial Earth"

Skootch Taglialavore (our cat) Lisa and Leonardo Taglialavore


World Peace, Forgiveness, Friendship, Life in a land of Peace, Healing, Peace, I want Peace, You want Peace, We all want Peace, Why can't we have Peace?

Copyright L & L Taglialavore 2006

Leonardo Taglialavore sadly passed away November 13 2006.

This video dedicated to the loving memory of Leonardo Taglialavore and all whom have brought about awareness of our want of peace for all.


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