
Vegan Girl Saves the World - Earth Day 2015

Happy Earth Day everyone! Today is a way to celebrate the beauty of the earth and work on saving it - but we MUST address the biggest contributor to environmental destruction! Please like, share this video, comment and subscribe if you enjoy!

Via Brianna JackFruitson

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Comment by Bruce Larson*Moore on April 23, 2015 at 12:55pm
Ignorance is Bliss...

Sustaining... Local consumption and animal based diets is a utopian fantasy, not possible due to the ongoing depletion of the planets natural aquifers, soil microbiology, global production capacity, peak oil, climate change, etc. etc.

40% of the food Americans purchase is thrown out as waste, directly to land fills... Step #1... Educate the over stuffed, lazy MORONS.

Plant based diets, and artificial proteins are humanities future...

Animal flesh and their by products are the least effective source to feed billions of people.

Yes, Plants are also living things...

As are People, (living beings) i.e. (real food) yet you have learned not to eat them... for logical reasons.

It's the 21st century... If you consume meat, your profound ignorance, enables you to maintain a suicidal disregard for life...

Based solely on the simple fact that in less than 100 years, 80% of the flora, fauna, marine life, top soil and fossil resource of this planet has been consumed, destroyed, poisoned or made toxic by mankind's insatiable desire to butcher every species and habitat he encounters, to the brink of extinction, it's the epitome of ignorance to believe your actions are sustainable.

Humanity is playing Environmental-Jenga,
Remove the wrong block and it's Game-Over.

Those who deny and ignore scientific fact, (i.e. Reality) do so at their own peril and are simply preparing the environment for the rise of the next dominate species.

The Vegan*Scavenger
Comment by leandra lavender on April 23, 2015 at 1:18am
Beans and least twice a week!

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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