
Peace Celebration with Iraqi & Iranian Children

Tehran, 27 September 2010
Iranian and Iraqi youth were the stars at a 24 September ceremony to celebrate peace between their countries. On this date thirty years ago began the eight year Iran‐Iraq war that killed and injured hundreds of thousands of both sides. With a whole generation of orphans wishing to prevent future conflicts, the focus on children at the recent celebration of peace was most
The participating youth met at the Shalamcheh
border crossing, where the heaviest battle of the Iran‐Iraq war took place in 1987. They then
boarded the "Friendship Boat" anchored midway on Arvand River. The waterway forms the southern and most contentious segment of the Iran‐Iraq border. Dispute over navigation rights on Arvand was among the primary causes of the 8 years war.
According to well known Iranian novelist and peace advocate Habib Ahmadzadeh, who co-organized the event, Iraqi counterparts plan peace exchanges like this celebration in future years.
Ahmadzadeh, a native of the border area and a war veteran, believes the Persian Gulf remains volatile. He hopes to help reduce the likelihood of more conflict by healing the scars and erasing the hatreds of the past.
The Tehran Peace Museum was also a co-sponsor of the event.

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