
Media Reacts: A Christmas Present Or Two Or Ten

When local media outlets across the country are directed to deliver the same exact message; this is what it looks like.

via Team Coco 12-16-13

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Comment by Bruce Larson*Moore on December 26, 2013 at 3:04pm

Mired in corporate dire, captive to fundamental desire,

Their only plan, kicking the can, further down a rabbit hole,

Creating nothing, but more of the same, over and over until everything is lame,

Playing their useless game of political football, while the people suffer and die, through it all...


Played, Them-vs-Us

Media hype, painting every stripe,
Peeps led like sheep, fattened for the slaughter
Same old shit just keep sucking corporate tit
Nation, Gang, Religion, Party, Fans played and scammed

Looking cool, that's their golden rule, messing with your mind, pushing Drugs, Smoke, Pepsi-Coke, legal or not it's all the same BS dangling like the hang mans rope...

Endless game of fear the other, Pay me Brother

As the Cult of Privilege and Fame,
Puppets The-Game U-R Played
Cradle 2 Grave
Who has the courage to stand with peace??

The cowards that create terror via suicide bombers, fanatical gun men and rhetoric from the comfort and safety of religiously owned political sanctuary. The cowards that create terror via military might, drone strikes and rhetoric from the comfort and safety of corporate owned political sanctuary...

Or We The*People whom both sides use as fodder and supporters of their drug and war profiteering.

Thousands of Military Veterans and Tens of thousands of American Citizens will sleep on the streets tonight. Time to change that, in months NOT years.

Project*C.H.A.O.S. The*Movement

Phase*One: Shelter the Homeless
Phase*Two: Empower The*People
Phase*Three: Reclaim*Democracy

Time*4*Action + Join the Revolution
Watch 4 The*Sign

Unite the C.H.A.O.S.
Display the Heart of Peace N.O.W.

"Remember, every storm must begin with a single drop of rain. So it is with every worthwhile movement, it begins with an idea that is too simple to be taken seriously, then comes the storm" - Marco Caceres
Comment by Yaron Fishman on December 26, 2013 at 1:55pm

This is a perfect example of how media outlets are controlled to perpetuate the cycle of hyper-consumerism.

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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