
"Kids Creating Peace (KCP) is the Peace Program created by Spirituality for Kids ( in order to address the unique circumstances encountered by children in war-torn areas of the world. Just as SFK teaches children all over the world the universal tools to make conscious choices and overcome challenges, the KCP curriculum applies the principles of tolerance and human dignity to children caught in real-world conflict, enabling them to create change for themselves and future generations. SFK launched a successful KCP pilot program in the Middle East, recognizing that a crucial first step towards achieving sustainable peace in the region lies in changing the common attitude of hatred to one of unity and tolerance. Since its launch, KCP has brought together thousands of Arab and Jewish children for special programs, events, and summer camp experiences, with the purpose - and result- that bonds of friendship are given the opportunity to grow. Adapted from the accredited SFK curriculum, KCP teaches children of all faiths, family traditions and cultural backgrounds, to consciously make wiser and more considerate choices. Originally created for children living in war-torn countries, KCP welcomes all families, regardless of ethnic, religious or socio-economic background, to build a peaceful and prosperous future for themselves by embracing the values of tolerance, proactive behavior, and living with human dignity. This is achieved by offering a wide variety of extracurricular activities within the existing frameworks of after-school and childrens outreach programs. The dynamic curriculum brings children together to learn life-changing skills while having fun. As with the successful SFK programs, KCP employs a wide range of hands-on activities, designed to guide children to think critically about the practical application of the concepts they are learning. By working simultaneously with the children in Israels Jewish and Arab sectors, KCP helps to plant the seeds of tolerance and human dignity that will soon produce mutual respect and a lasting peace. Children enrolled in KCP classes also learn important social skills and come to an understanding of their lifes purpose as an opportunity to share both with their own communities, and with the world at large. To achieve all of this, children in KCP work in small groups with adult facilitators that provide each child with the necessary individual attention. Cumulative lessons build a progressive comprehension of universal concepts through carefully defined lessons and real-life application After seeing such clear success with children of early school ages, we came to understand that we must provide a similar program for teenagers. We believe that the Teenage Program will help us create a real, long lasting change that will affect many levels inside the community, beginning a chain of positive events in which teenagers will take part. We believe that teenagers that experience this program will become leaders and teachers for younger children, a live example of change. We see this program growing into a Youth Movement partnering with local councils and authorities."

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Comment by Rixar13 McGinnis on July 21, 2014 at 2:16pm

Great Program, Change takes time... ♥

Comment by Yaron Fishman on May 5, 2013 at 1:17pm

I agree.. this is a wonderful and awesome project :)

Comment by Bruce Larson*Moore on May 3, 2013 at 4:17pm
Hymn of the Martyr

If you oppress me, my words will gather strength,

If you imprison me, my words will grow in power,

If you embattle me, my words will turn destruction against you,

If you kill me, my words will haunt your grandchildren's, grandchildren,

* * *
If you embrace me, my words will fade into yours, as yours fade into mine, my lips will speak of you, as yours speak of me,

Together we build tolerance, understanding, compassion, trust and truth,

Divided we foster only fear and kill only trust, divided we know only the death of the other,

Together we understand and know our lives, and embrace the Hymn of Peace for our grandchildren's, grandchildren.
Comment by Ronnie Burrage on April 30, 2013 at 7:22am

This is an awesome endeavor. I would like to be involved as I have this vision for all children. 

Thank you for posting and sharing. Don't hesitate to ask for additional view points, help or support!

All the Best!

Comment by Leslie Romine on April 29, 2013 at 9:49pm

Thank you for sharing this video. There is hope and we must cultivate and grow it! What a wonderful program!

May it prosper!

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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