
When you witness the Brilliance of Life.

Via Shots Of Awe

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Comment by Gary Sanchez on January 9, 2014 at 1:38pm

OK young fellow, you think this "state of wonder" is childlike but immaturity is no help. Wonder is not the exclusive territory of the young. it just seems that way to you because you have not yet experienced maturity. In any case, I agree that a sense of wonder is something to cherish and maintain throughout life. Some are able to communicate wonder no matter their age and others are not, having made it this far, I can tell you that those who seem to have lost their sense of wonder probably were never people who valued that sense, even in their youth. 

Comment by Bruce Larson*Moore on January 8, 2014 at 4:55pm

The essence of all beauty that surrounds you, All joy filling the cup of creation, Endless beating hearts sharing love and compassion toward each other, Comprising life and each serendipitous moment with chance and opportunity to excel, pass or fail, Breathe deep a continuous storm living free to change one self, and the world, As within the calm silent eddies beyond turbulence rest natures providence and grace of being, Patiently considering each struggle, triumph so you may prevail together as one...

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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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