
"In this video, Hiro takes us through what happened the night of October 5th and calls for an end to the police/protester violent confrontation."
~OccupyTVNY on YouTube

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Comment by Arlan Berglas on October 25, 2011 at 12:41am

All WE want is what is considered right by 100% of people! The WE Party Mentors say "WE can make a difference" - "Yes WE can" - United WE stand" - "WE can be the change WE wish to see in the world" - "In God WE trust" - "WE the people" - "WE are the world" - I'm proud to be an AmerWEcan" - "WE are family" - "WE believe" - "WE need a media in this country that covers grassroots movements" - WE shall not be moved" - "All WE want is equity" - "WE are the 100%"

WE the People can make a difference at WE PARTIES and nobody will get arrested!

Comment by David Ramey-LaRieve on October 24, 2011 at 8:37pm
I can't agree more with this Heroic person. Now as in the Sixty's (when I was younger and more active), human rights are always the issue. Police Brutality should never be an issue, as yes, they are supposed to be there to protect us. What they are not fathoming is that the very people they are "serving" are the same people who want to tear down the unions. The Police Force US wide joined with the Teamsters Union (i.e.: read AFL-CIO) in the late seventy's, now, along with the mass injustice they are inflicting on the very citizens they are SWORN to protect, they are committing "unconscious suicide" by their actions! Think about it, when the police are  no longer needed they will erase them as well! All I will say (in warning) to those who are being the "Hammer" for those in power is - your day will befall you too: "Beware the Ides of Commerce" (paraphrasing Shakespeare)!

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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