
GOLDEN OpportUNITY FOR UNITY...Build It Right Now!

GOLDEN OpportUNITY FOR UNITY Rotating Sundial Sculpture is a proposed National Unity Monument that needs your support and participation to become a reality. This video defines the message behind the monument and is an invitation to ALL OF YOU - Americans of EVERY race, color, culture, creed, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation to celebrate our diversity and demonstrate our commitment to inclusion by erecting a permanent symbol of our official American motto - e pluribus unum (out of many, one). Please patronize the Merchandise Gallery on our site - - as a gesture of your support. If you believe strongly as we that our country must come together then building a national unity monument presents an opportUNITY - literally - for us to build unity, and to commemorate for posterity the occasion that we came together and offered hope for peaceful co-existence as citizens to the generations of Americans to follow us.

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