
Dronestream: Every US drone strike - Josh Begley

Excerpts of Josh Begley's graduate thesis presentation on 5-15-13. Filmed at New York University. Full version here:

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Comment by Bruce Larson*Moore on December 16, 2013 at 4:57pm
Seasons-Greetings from US - We The-People of the United States of America ;(

Uncle-Sam (A*Conversation)

Uncle*Sam, Why is my education on the chopping block, aren't My Dreams real, is what you say about America just spiel,

Don't worry child, everything is decided, your future is being guided, like the missiles your Daddy builds,

But uncle, Mommy says I am special, Coach tells me hard work and sacrifice made the country great, did I just come along to late,

No worries child, you'll learn to work a touch screen, fly drones from a comfy chair, fast food will be everywhere, raise rug rats, each with their very own screen, teaching the ways and means,

Uncle Sam, what about the planet and the poor, is your liberty only for the few, gathering wealth, building walls and security to fend off the masses, as their pain and suffering flows like molasses,

Listen up kid, get yourself straight, human rights ain't the real fight, that's just cover, scabs on the wound, while others bleed for, MY-Fortune & Fame,

Uncle that's not what The Constitution says, are We The People simply sheeple,

Now, now little one, perhaps you just need a small demonstration, something to help matters sink into that under educated head, let's see how about a fracking war to boost the economy and slam that peace and love crap, back down your whining trap,

There, there it's all good, now touch the screen, see your daddy's missile fixed everything, sweet dreams...


Hymn of the Martyr

If you oppress me, my words will gather strength,

If you imprison me, my words will grow in power,

If you embattle me, my words will turn destruction against you,

If you kill me, my words will haunt your grandchildren's, grandchildren,

* * *
If you embrace me, my words will fade into yours, as yours fade into mine, my lips will speak of you, as yours speak of me,

Together we build tolerance, understanding, compassion, trust and truth,

Divided we foster only fear and kill only trust, divided we know only the death of the other,

Together we understand and know our lives, and embrace the Hymn of Peace for our grandchildren's, grandchildren...
Comment by Jerry Jaspar on December 16, 2013 at 4:20pm

Santa: What I really want for Christmas is not one more terrorist drone attack from the United States to anywhere.

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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