
Conscious parenting, taking responsibility

Talk 10 with Eva Fernandes - Conscious parenting, taking responsibility

This powerful talk on conscious parenting from Simon and Eva Fernandes covers many aspects of parenthood and ways in which we can break out of our old conditioning and take responsibility as adults to lead the way for our children.

Eva says - "My passion for natural parenting led me to establish Born in 2000 when I became frustrated at the lack of availability of natural baby products on the high street".

Eva is full of wisdom and shares great insights into conscious parenting for the 21st century. It's all about unconditional love and nurturing the baby and parents through the whole process of creating another life. This talk is great for everybody and especially parents as we all too often get pulled along with the sheep when it comes to pregnancy and parenthood, everybody else always knows best. Eva Fernandes very inspiring talk is an excellent guidance for raising a healthy child but most importantly is addressing issues that are rarely put into focus.

Watch full talk and more Transparent life changing conversations at

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