
On 1 February, the Office for Disarmament Affairs will launch a disarmament education contest for young people, to run until 30 April. Entitled "Art for Peace 2012", contestants are encouraged to watch a short video film online, then to imagine a world free of nuclear weapons. Based on their musings, young people are asked to create and upload online original artwork. Youth from ages 5 through 17 are urged to tap their imaginations and draw, paint, sketch, use pens, pencils, crayons, charcoal, oil, acrylic paint or watercolours to illustrate a world free of nuclear weapons, without wars, without fear.

All work will be judged based on the criteria of creativity, composition, theme and technique. Four winners from each age category (5-8, 9-12 and 13-17) will have their artwork reproduced in a UN calendar. The two younger age groups will receive art supplies and cash prizes will be awarded to the four winners in the 13-17 year old group in sums of of $500, $300, $200 and $100.

Once the artwork is posted, family and friends can vote on the UN Peace Day Facebook page:

The videos, rules and uploading form are available at the website:

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