
A World Without Moms: Happy Mother's Day

"The Jubilee Project made this video to honor moms around the world because we were inspired by the love and care we received from our own moms.

Moms mean a lot to all of us. Yet, every year 7 million women are injured and 350,000 women die from complications due to childbirth. These deaths, however, are preventable by providing basic maternal health care.

For every view that we get on this video, Jubilee Project sponsors will donate a penny to Every Mother Counts, an organization dedicated to improving maternal health in developing countries. Together, let's help build a world where children won't have to live without moms."

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Comment by Bruce Larson*Moore on May 8, 2011 at 9:15pm
Time Voyage

A journey I was offered one day, a fabulous trip all expenses paid,

Bring nothing, come as you are, everything you'll need supplied even a car,

A chance to see the world in all it's splendor, to view the work of it's creator,

It wouldn't  be easy, it wouldn't  take long, it's a time voyage, how could I go wrong,

There are certain rules that do apply and restrictions as to how and why,

Nonetheless reasonable they seemed, waste nothing and respect the scene,

They gave me my ticket and I climbed in the tube, with a rush of light I was squeezed ever so tight, my lungs filled with air, I cried with all my might, the time voyage had begun I slept well that night,

It hasn't been easy, it hasn't been long and one things for sure I didn't go wrong, that day I was born my mothers heart sounded like a song...

Thx, Mom ;)
Comment by Yaron Fishman on May 8, 2011 at 10:16am
♥ ♥ ♥

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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