
4 videos of a UFO seen over Jerusalem on 1-28-2011. What do you think?

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Comment by garreau martine on February 13, 2011 at 8:27pm
Comment by Popxart on February 13, 2011 at 6:04pm

The Prophet Elijah taken up in a 'fiery chariot as in a wirlwind'. the star of bethlehem stopping and over palaces and stables. moses and his people led by pillar of fire by night ( and i forget the description of how it appeared by day) 'and there came a voice out of a cloud saying 'this is my beloved son, hear him' after jesus's baptism. etc etc etc.

Just Love Love. Oneness Lovingness :)

Comment by Filip Rydlo on February 4, 2011 at 9:04am

I have seen shooting stars. Once looking to the sky I have seen a 5-cm fragment of metheor fell just a few meters before me.  But I have never seen a "ball lightning" nor UFO  yet!


These videos are AMAZING!  You can see on the videos from the distance the SPEED!  I was counting half-a-second  and it is already gone  out of the videw...  so it must travel at speed about 24 kilometers per second or more! 

   Anything from matter (without some Force-field around) would burn or melt in the air like metheors do.

Isnt it Fascinating? It must be either an angel of Light and Love   or some wild kind of  ball-lightning

   If someone would create and send  ball-lightning  towards the Dome of the Rock   than maybe he/she  was  TESTing and measuring  the spiritual forces protecting this holy place !   I guess the protecting spiritual energies and spirits are  strong enough!  Mu He He !

Comment by Judy Adlard on February 3, 2011 at 12:57pm
I have seen shooting stars numerous times but the wildest thing I ever saw was when I was at Indiana University. An extremely bright lime green light caught my attention at the window in the room I was in (with several other people). It had volume, shape, it REALLY did hover and vibrate - I "connected" with it and it went back so fast into the night. It seemed to clear it's own way/space through the darkness. I was sober. Another girl in the room, Elizabeth MacArthur, seemed startled by it and we both looked at each other with our mouth's dropped. I called the I.U. Observatory and reported it. They said they had received several other reports matching ours. The craziest thing was when I went back to my dorm room to sleep, I was terrified and couldn't sleep. I have never believed in UFO's but I was definitely alerted/alarmed the whole night. Afraid they were coming to "take me with them". I blew it off as a Johnson Control/Honeywell project because their parents worked for those corporations.
Comment by MiraCulous on February 3, 2011 at 9:36am

WoW Amazzzzing!! Never seen anything quite like that before. I Didn't even hear about this on the news! Not surprising though I guess Lol 

I wonder what they want with that site? It seems like they had a definite interest in getting close to it....I close was it? It looks no more than 20 feet above. 


Have any of you guys watched ancient aliens? they have an episode on angels/ messengers/ ufos (and how they may be related and/ or have been mistaken for each other in the past). I think that is very interesting. 

Comment by Filip Rydlo on February 3, 2011 at 3:56am

Yes, I agree with Lisa. Great peaceful light, descending from the sky.

They must be pure Love angels.

Comment by mhsn salm on February 2, 2011 at 11:46pm
Comment by Arturo Castillo Bazaldua on February 1, 2011 at 5:20pm
Comment by Arturo Castillo Bazaldua on February 1, 2011 at 5:19pm
Comment by Popxart on February 1, 2011 at 4:38pm
Brilliant. Love it. Thanks :)

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