
24 Peaces is an artist's journey to inspire people to create peace through exploring its meaning with twenty-four peacemakers from around the world.

With the purpose of igniting our own individual ability to create peace, the artist GENE (Gene Jimenez) is conducting a series of twenty-four conversations with both preeminent peacemakers and a cross section of “every-day people” from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Through questions such as, “What is peace?” and “What does peace mean to you?” the artist seeks to reveal that the concept of peace can mean many different things and each of us has the capacity and responsibility to nurture and affect it. Additionally, GENE is creating twenty-four paintings based on the energy and content of these conversations. His unique energetic and vivid painting style intends to portray the creative possibilities for each person to use our world as a canvas to paint peace.

A mixed-media project, 24 Peaces will be showcased as a traveling documentary film and art exhibition, as an interactive Internet portal, and as a stand-alone video program.

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Comment by Lynnette Najimy on March 21, 2010 at 7:22pm
Such a wonderful project!
Comment by Peace_maker on March 17, 2010 at 8:18pm
and also the united states constitution should be based on the principals what was written by the people and for the people. and not for the ones who is taking our rights and freedoms away from others. and the very means of peace is not fighting war in another country.
Comment by Peace_maker on March 17, 2010 at 8:11pm
we have to base peace what we have in our self's peace with out war with out politics and peace is having freedom.and not fighting over religion. and to except each other who we are from many races and those who lives in other places. and to help other people when they ask to need help. I also hope "We" can to except peace in our self and let go of the things what has happen in the past to have peace in one soul and to live with out carry grudges on other people. every one has a concept of what peace is what it means to them. and what the meaning of peace should be meant what is in our heart the only thing as well is having food and share it with every body
Comment by Nirmal Kumar Mishra on March 16, 2010 at 12:22am
Peace is an esoteric concept. It comes from renunciation of worldly pleasure. It cannot come from racing through and chanting of slogans and playing music. Peace for self, for society and world at larger are different things, and yet somewhat related. It is a long journey which requires a lot of soul searching and altruistic living. It cannot come from one up manship, one up religionship, one up raceship and one up nationship. It will come from compassion for all and service for all and love for all.
Comment by David Burnett on March 15, 2010 at 8:49pm
For me peace one thing... compassion, nothing more and nothing less.
Comment by Robert Lodge Groves on March 15, 2010 at 1:18am
Peace has its functional foundation in mutual respect for the equal rights of all humans begining with the rights to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and private property. These rights are based soely upon their existance from conception unto death, This is a state of consciousness which must be grown into by the human race to experience and practice peace from this state of compassion. This awareness in each individual forms the common passion for all to thrive. This consciousness would preclude war and crime while providing an environment for the greatest growth and development for our collective consciousness. Eacn person in each country must take on this state of consciousness and practice honoring everyones right to exist and be free.

This is the basis of the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independance. America was to fully establish this consciousness as a goal. First was the breaking free of the heirarchy systems of power over the other, followed by a set of guiding principles to regulate government among free and soverign individuals. When America returns to this state of mind she will have regained her soul's destiny and again be a light unto the world.

Each country must become this light of consciousness also, and as such it can only be done by every individual everywhere. All it takes is you.

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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